C++11 client library for the WAMP protocol
User Type Conversions

Basic Conversions

wamp::Variant has built-in support for conversions to/from the following types:

  • arithmetic types
  • enumerations (interpreted as integers)
  • character arrays (input only)
  • std::vector
  • std::map

You may register your own custom types for conversion to/from Variant. This is done by overloading the convert function:

struct Person
std::string name;
int age;
float weight;
template <typename TConverter>
void convert(TConverter& conv, Person& p)
conv("name", p.name)
("age", p.age)
("weight", p.weight);

where TConverter may be either wamp::ToVariantConverter or wamp::FromVariantConverter, depending on whether the custom type is being converted to a variant, or from a variant. ToVariantConverter and FromVariantConverter have a uniform interface, which allows you to write the conversion function once for both directions. This uniform conversion scheme was inspired by Boost.Serialization.

In the above example operator()(key, value) is used to extract/insert a member from/to an Object variant. operator() supports method chaining, which allows you to write very concise conversion functions.

The overloaded convert function should be defined in the same namespace as the custom type, or order to enable argument-dependent lookup.

After registering your custom type, you may perform conversions using wamp::Variant::from and wamp::Variant::to:

using namespace wamp;
Person alice{"Alice", 25, 106.0f};
auto variant = Variant::from(alice);
assert(variant == Object{{"name", "Alice"}, {"age", 25}, {"weight", 100}});
Variant bob = Object{{"name", "Bob"}, {"age", 30}, {"weight", 150}};
auto person = bob.to<Person>();

You may also use your registered custom types as RPC or pub-sub arguments:

using namespace wamp;
Outcome addPerson(Invocation inv, Person p)
// :::
// :::
Person alice{"Alice", 25, 106.0f};
session.call(Rpc("addPerson").withArgs(alice), yield);

Nested Objects

If the type you want to make convertible contains objects that CppWAMP don't understand, all you have to do is provide the convert functions for the nested object types.

struct Pet
std::string species;
int legs;
struct Person
std::string name;
int age;
float weight;
Pet pet;
template <typename TConverter>
void convert(TConverter& conv, Pet& p)
conv("species", p.species)
("legs", p.legs);
template <typename TConverter>
void convert(TConverter& conv, Person& p)
conv("name", p.name)
("age", p.age)
("weight", p.weight)
("pet", p.pet)

Split Conversions

In some circumstances, different behavior may be required when converting from and converting to variants. The CPPWAMP_CONVERSION_SPLIT_FREE macro allows you to specify different conversion functions for both directions:

using namespace wamp;
struct Person
std::string name;
int age;
float weight;
inline void convertFrom(FromVariantConverter& conv, Person& p)
conv ("name", p.name)
("age", p.age)
("weight", p.weight);
p.weight *= kgToLbsMultiplier;
inline void convertTo(ToVariantConverter& conv, const Person& p)
auto kg = p.weight * lbsToKgMultipler;
conv ("name", p.name)
("age", p.age)
("weight", kg);

Intrusive Conversion

Instead of writing a convert free function for your custom type, you may write convert as a member function. This may be useful when the required data is not available from your type's public interface.

class Person
// :::
template <typename TConverter>
void convert(TConverter& conv)
conv ("name", name_)
("age", age_)
("weight", weight_);
// :::
std::string name_;
int age_;
float weight_;

If you want the convert member function to be private, then you must grant friendship to the wamp::ConversionAccess class:

class Person
// :::
template <typename TConverter>
void convert(TConverter& conv)
conv ("name", name_)
("age", age_)
("weight", weight_);
std::string name_;
int age_;
float weight_;
friend class wamp::ConversionAccess;

Intrusive conversion can be split up by using the CPPWAMP_CONVERSION_SPLIT_MEMBER macro:

using namespace wamp;
class Person
// :::
void convertFrom(FromVariantConverter& conv)
conv ("name", name_)
("age", age_)
("weight", weight_);
weight_ *= kgToLbsMultiplier;
void convertTo(ToVariantConverter& conv) const
auto kg = weight_ * lbsToKgMultipler;
conv ("name", name_)
("age", age_)
("weight", kg);
std::string name_;
int age_;
float weight_;
friend class wamp::ConversionAccess;

Converting Derived Types

Your derived types can reuse the conversion facilities of their base type. To do this, simply cast *this to a base class reference and pass it to the converter. Then convert the additional members of your derived type.

class Employee : public Person
// :::
template <typename TConverter>
void convert(TConverter& conv)
conv (static_cast<Person&>(*this))
("salary", salary_);
int salary_;
friend class wamp::ConversionAccess;

Standard Library and Boost Types

CppWAMP currently provides converters for the following standard library and Boost types:

Supported Type Corresponding Variant type Converters provided in
std::map wamp::Object <cppwamp/variant.hpp>
std::set wamp::Array <cppwamp/types/set.hpp>
std::optional<T> wamp::Null, or type dependent on T <cppwamp/types/optional.hpp>
std::tuple wamp::Array <cppwamp/types/tuple.hpp>
std::unordered_map wamp::Object <cppwamp/types/unorderedmap.hpp>
std::unordered_set wamp::Array <cppwamp/types/unorderedset.hpp>
std::vector wamp::Array <cppwamp/variant.hpp>
boost::optional<T> wamp::Null, or type dependent on T <cppwamp/types/boostoptional.hpp>
Discriminated union container that represents a JSON value.
Definition: variant.hpp:134
std::map< String, Variant > Object
Variant bound type for maps of variants.
Definition: variantdefs.hpp:52
Helper class used to gain access to private conversion member functions.
Definition: conversionaccess.hpp:62
Splits the convert free function for the given custom type.
Definition: variant.hpp:57
Definition: anyhandler.hpp:36
Wrapper around a destination Variant, used for conversions.
Definition: variant.hpp:604
Wrapper around a source Variant, used for conversions.
Definition: variant.hpp:650
Contains the procedure URI, options, and payload contained within WAMP CALL messages.
Definition: peerdata.hpp:535
Contains the outcome of an RPC invocation.
Definition: peerdata.hpp:709
Contains the declaration of Variant and other closely related types/functions.
void convert(TConverter &c, TValue &val)
General function for converting custom types to/from Variant.
Definition: variant.hpp:709
T to() const
Converts the variant's bound value to the given type.
Definition: variant.hpp:840
Contains payload arguments and other options within WAMP INVOCATION messages.
Definition: peerdata.hpp:799
Splits the convert member function for the given custom type.
Definition: variant.hpp:88
static Variant from(TValue &&value)
Constructs a variant from a custom type.
Definition: variant.hpp:744